Obesity, where is it driving us?

Lavalliere, M.; Handrigan, G.A.; Teasdale, N.; Corbeil, P.

Obesity is recognized as an important issue that has an impact on several areas of our daily lives, such as driving. In the literature there exists an association between obesity and motor vehicle crashes. The goal of this article is to promote insightful reflection and discussion around this emerging topic. Searches were conducted on Pubmed. Search terms were 'obesity' and 'driving'. The literature was sorted into a summary of the general ideas and is presented for discussion. Relevant issues discussed include anthromechanical issues and car design, seat belt usage, and obesity-related health complications (ocular pathologies, diabetic complications, and obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnea). Finally, though limited prevention strategies exist for these issues in the literature, some strategies are presented for consideration. With such a complex issue, there is no simple solution. Education is the first step, and with a comprehensive understanding of the risks, actions can be taken to prevent these issues.

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Verschenen in
Journal of Transporation Safety & Security
4 (2)
20220265 ST [electronic version only]

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