Objective-based assessment of environmental effects of major new road projects in Victoria.

Mottram, C.

VicRoads manages the arterial road system in the State of Victoria, Australia. Following criticisms by independent panels of VicRoads use of a "Planning Balance Sheet" approach to evaluate options, VicRoads adopted a modified version of the Objective-Based Evaluation Matrix (OBEM) used by panels in their evaluation of road projects. The OBEM utilises a performance based approach to the assessment of options rather than a comparative assessment between options. The paper will describe the use of the OBEM approach for the evaluation of alternative options as recently used by VicRoads, including differences with the approaches used by independent panels. The paper will also discuss a range of issues that arose during the implementation of the OBEM, some of which are still being worked through. It was found for example, that the use of the OBEM approach required changes to the assessment approach of specialist consultants providing input into the process. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208431.

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C 26974 (In: C 26913 CD-ROM) /15 / ITRD E209322

In: Transport: our highway to a sustainable future : proceedings of the 21st ARRB and 11th REAAA Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 18-23 May 2003, 13 p., 7 ref.

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