Observations on "reaction time" of automobile race drivers.

Scully, J.C. & Boyd, D.M.

The results of this four-year study of reaction times would imply a definite co-relationship between the reaction time and the individual's performance. More specifically, the shorter the reaction time, the more likelihood that the performance will be proficient. And the longer the reaction time, the more accident-prone is the driver. Additional factors influencing reaction time were concomitantly studied as a natural extension of the possible usefulness of the tests. These factors include the influence of (A) age, (B) fatigue, (C) excess alcohol consumption, (D) hyperthyroidism, (E) hypertension, (F) neurasthenia.

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B 10175 (In: B 9554 [electronic version only]) /83.2/

In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine AAAM, Alamogordo, November 10-11, 1966, p. 31-35.

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