Occupant protection in rear impact.

Burland, D.

It has shown possible to provide occupant protection and maintain fuel tank integrity in a rear impact approximately equivalent to an 80 km/h vehicle to vehicle. Key items are a.o. the principle of providing "collapse space" for the fuel tank was shown to be successful; elimination of protrusions clase to the fuel tank reduced the risk of puncture; recessing the sender/fuel pick up pipe in the fuel tank protected from impact damage.

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B 13898 (In: B 7042 [electronic version only]) /84/91.1/ IRRD 231596

In: Report on the 5th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, London, England, June 4 - 7, 1974, p. 760-768, 18 fig., 3 graph., 3 tab., 16 ref.

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