Ocular injuries in automobile crashes.

Huelke, D.F. O'Day, J. & Barhydt, W.H.

Tempered windshields commonly used in Europe have been shown to be related to the relatively high incidence of ocular injuries. No ocular injuries were observed among belted occupants in this study. It appears that the increased use of lap-shoulder belts would decrease the likelihood of occupant with the windshield, roof support etc. and thus reduce the incidence of ocular injuries.

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2 + 11 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 20505 T /84.1/91.1/

The Journal of Trauma, Vol. 22 (1982), No. 1 (January), p. 50-52, 11 ref.

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