ODISSEY freeway control.

Lopez, J. & Peck, C.

ODISSEY is a flexible motorway management and control system developed in Spain. It uses detectors to collect information about traffic flows and maintain an up-to-date image of motorway traffic operation. Its outstations continually run various algorithms, to detect as early as possible any unusual disturbance of the traffic. They send their warnings to the control computer, whose expert systems can take various actions as appropriate. The system can handle many traffic control strategies. Its HIOCC algorithm can detect queues and has several purposes; its California algorithm warns of incidents or the need for speed control. The use of set rules enables staged action, increasing according to a problem's severity, and allows the operator to concentrate on handling telephone or radio calls. Functions that ODISSEY supports include: (1) incident detection; (2) off-ramp queue management; (3) on-ramp metering; (4) speed control; (5) modifying strategy according to environment; (6) traffic prediction; (7) control of access to computer terminals; (8) control of variable message signs; and (9) communication with roadside emergency telephones. When an incident is detected, ODISSEY does everything possible to assist the operators and direct their actions, and links them to a suitable video camera.

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C 20769 (In: C 20757) /73 / IRRD 890303

In: Traffic technology international '97, p. 110-112

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