Older driver population and crash involvement trends, 1974- 1986.

Stutts, J.C. Waller, P.F. & Martell, C.

North Carolina motor vehicle crash data for the years 1974, 1978, 1982 and 1986 are analyzed in conjunction with N.C.population, licensed driver and mileage data to examine trends in motor vehicle crash involvement by driver age, sex and race. Crash rates per licensed driver are presented along with crash rates per estimated vehicle miles travelled calculated on the basis of induced exposure. Results focus particularly on older drivers. They show that older drivers'representation in the driver license population has increased at a greater rate than their representation in either the census or crash involvement populations.

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B 29429 (In: B 29419S) /83 / IRRD 826458

In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2- 4, 1989, p.137- 152, 17 ref.

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