Older motorists' perceptions of their information needs.

Bailey, T.J.

A demographically stratified sample of 102 South Australian drivers aged 65-85 was surveyed regarding their perceptions of information needs, together with interviews of relevant professionals and visual examination of Australian older driver handbooks. Most of the drivers in the survey proved to be highly mobile, expecting to continue driving for some time. A third self-regulated their driving, but only 4 expressed thoughts of giving up. There was a strong broad preference for informal learning opportunities, but some statistically significant age/gender differences in preferences were found. The results indicated older driver information provision should value the maintenance of driving as its basis, but the provision should cater more for different learning preferences. The older drivers’ main issues of concern were the attitudes and behaviours of other drivers, and this could be addressed more in information provision. Professionals believed future alternative mobility planning is highly salient for older drivers, yet older drivers rated this a low priority. (Author/publisher)

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C 36302 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E212954

Walkerville, SA, Transport SA, Safety & Regulation Division, 2004, 117 p., 59 ref.; Safety Strategy Report Series - ISBN 0-7590-0044-1

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