Onderwijskundige evaluatie van LOVO- Rijleskampen.

Veling, I.H. & Lierde, E.C.H.M. van.

In continuation of the positive results of a small scale test with one driver training camp at the end of 1987, twenty one new driver- training camps were organized in 1988. These driver- training camps varied as regards their duration ( 10 or 14 days), pupils intern or extern during these days, the location of the training (on a training ground or on the public road), the distribution of sex of the pupils, the number of pupils in the group. The 21 camps are evaluated and the results are discussed.

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B 28491 /83 / IRRD 821393

Veenendaal, Traffic Test B.V., Instituut voor Sociaal- Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek op Verkeersgebied, 1989, 58 p.+ app. Rapport No. TT 89- 1.

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