Onderzoek naar de doelmatigheid van maatregelen : onderzoekopzet ten behoeve van het Demonstratieproject Herindeling en herinrichting van stedelijke gebieden (in de gemeenten Eindhoven en Rijswijk).

Flury, F.C.

A mathematical model is presented to illustrate the possibilities for using an efficiency study for the decision process. In this report the influence of measures taken to increase the liveability in two Dutch cities is studied on the hand of this model. Measures which improve the liveability in the demonstration project for redivision and reconstruction of urban areas into residential areas and traffic areas regard traffic circulation, traffic safety, social and economic aspects and the experience of public space.


B 18180 [electronic version only] /10 /72 / IRRD 253881

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1979, 23 p., tab.; R-79-47


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