Onderzoek naar de verkeersveiligheid van de voetganger.

Kraay, J.H.

Because traffic accidents in residential areas happen in a not enough number for statistical research, it is impossible for a short-range study to use the accident as a measure for unsafety. An other measure for traffic unsafety is the near-miss, or a severe conflict-behaviour between the road users. The possibilities for such conflict-techniques are outlined. A first try of this technique is used in a study in Delft to compare traffic safety in two residential areas, different in lay out.

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B 9606 (In: B 9603) /21/72/ IRRD 220552

In: SWOV-Congress Toekomst in veiligheid, Amsterdam 18 mei 1976, unp., 3 fig., 1 graph., 11 tab.


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