Onderzoek naar het bedieningsgemak en draagcomfort van 20 autogordels.

Eig, A.J. van & Beek, C.H. van

On behalf of the Dutch Consumer Association an operating and wearing comfort test had been performed on 20 safety belts. 2 Methods were used in which a large difference between the various belt type was found. Operation facility gives the following preference order: 10 automatic belts, 2) lap belt, 3) three point belts; frequently however the Lap belt and the Automatic belt do equally well.

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9 + 6 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 18798 S /83.2/91.1/

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie IZF TNO, 1972, 24 p., graph., tab.; Rapport No. IZF-1972-C 10.

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