Onderzoek naar het rijgedrag op Krimpenerwaardkruispunten : interimrapport.

Janssen, W.H. & Horst, A.R.A. van der

This report presents the results of the first stage of an investigation into driver behaviour on intersections of the "Krimpenerwaard"-type. Its main purpose was to explore whether there would exist any meaningful relationships between accident parameters on the one hand and subjective judgements of a large number of intersection lay-out variables on the other. Such relationships were indeed obtained, and provide sufficient information on which to base the future course of the investigation.

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B 14005 S /21 /82 /83 / IRRD 237633

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuig-Fysiologie IZF-TNO, 1978, 13 p. + app., fig., tab., ref.; Rapport No. IZF 1978-C29

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