Online versus conventional shopping : consumers' risk perception and regulatory focus.

Noort, G. van Kerkhof, P. & Fennis, B.M.

In two experiments, the impact of shopping context on consumers' risk perceptions and regulatory focus was examined. It was predicted that individuals perceive an online (vs. conventional) shopping environment as more risky and that an online shopping environment, by its risky nature, primes a prevention focus. The findings in study 1 demonstrate these effects by using self-report measures for risk perception and prevention focus. In study 2, these findings were replicated and demonstrated that the effect of an online shopping environment carries over to behavior in a domain unrelated to shopping. (Author/publisher)

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20091131 ST [electronic version only]

CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol. 10 (2007), No. 5 (October), p. 731-733, 7 ref.

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