Ontario Road Safety Annual Report 2001 : success through partnership.


The Ontario Road Safety Annual Report offers a comprehensive perspective of road safety in the province. On the basis of comparative data for the number of fatalities per 10,000 licensed drivers in 2001, Ontario's roads are the safest in both Canada and all of North America. This is a significant improvement since 1995, when Ontario ranked second in Canada and sixth in North America. The success achieved in 2001 is due, in large measure, to consistent and determined efforts by the government and a multitude of partners to continuously improve driver behaviour, vehicle condition and infrastructure safety. The government has worked in close partnership with the police community, local community groups, industry, municipalities, safety organisations and the private sector to achieve its goal of a modern, safe and efficient transportation system for Ontario. (Author/publisher)

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20030903 ST [electronic version only]

Toronto, Ontario, Ministry of Transportation, 2003, 71 p. - ISSN 0832-8269

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