Ontwerp verkeersmeetnet in Maastricht : advies voor meting van rijsnelheden en andere verkeerskenmerken, alsmede voor politietoezicht op roodlicht- en snelheidsovertredingen. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Directie Limburg.

Oei, H.-l.

With a municipal traffic data collection, driving speed, traffic volume and composure can be measured at various locations in the city. Using such a data collection municipal policy can be supported, because, among other things,: directed speeding surveillance (by place and time) can be performed; speeding measures can be evaluated; and because it can be investigated if roads are being used correctly, namely according to their function and equipment. In this report, a design of a traffic data collection for the Dutch city of Maastricht is mainly described. In addition, the report contains a number of advices concerning police surveillance in Maastricht. These advices concern: (a) controlling the observance of speed limits along three stretches; and (b) driving through red lights and speeding at a number of selected cross-roads. For related work see ITRD E201366.


C 22802 [electronic version only] /73 / ITRD E206599

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 82 p., 21 ref.; R-2000-12


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