Ontwikkeling en verificatie van het Vedyac-model voor het stimuleren van botsingen tussen auto's en fietsers : verslag van onderzoek in het kader van het project `Veilige fiets- en letselpreventie' van het Masterplan Fiets.

Sluis, J. van der

This paper describes the VEDYAC (VEhicle DYnamics And Crash) computer program for simulating collisions between cars and cyclists. In doing so, this model is divided into the following submodels: (1) the VEDYAC dummy model; (2) the VEDYAC bicycle model; (3) the VEDYAC vehicle front model; and (4) the VEDYAC road model. The paper also describes the interactions between these submodels. Finally, the paper presents the VEDYAC2 model which is a new version of VEDYAC. VEDYAC2 was developed for simulating side collisions of cars against cyclists. This program was verified using the results of a number of TNO Road Vehicles Research Institute's experimental simulations.


C 2534 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 862540

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1992, 34 + 28 p.; R-92-40


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