Ontwikkelingsperspectieven corridors : kansen en bedreigingen van ruimtelijk beleid voor het personenvervoer en goederenvervoer. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, Afdeling VMO.

Martens, M.J. Rest, H. van der Schrijver, J.M. Tavasszy, L.A. Verroen, E.J. & Wilmink, I.R.

In this report, four spatial scenarios are designed for corridor development. The impacts on transportation are quantified for the year 2020 by using model simulations. The The Hague-Rotterdam-North Brabant-Venlo corridor is used as an example. The scenarios are developed for freight transport and passenger transport. The impact analysis included mobility effects, environmental effects, safety, and effects on infrastructure capacity. It appears that corridors are especially useful as spatial concept for freight transport on railways and waterways, and combined transport, while the differences in modal shift effects for passenger transport are limited. Corridor development can, however, contain opportunities and threats for the national highway network. Urbanization along corridors will cause more traffic on the national highways and will result in extra delays for long distance travel like freight travel. However, the model simulation shows that it is possible to limit these negative effects through innovative land use planning or transport planning. The study also showed that land use and transportation strategies should be differentiated between regions. also within large corridors. (A)

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C 14357 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E201685

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, Afdeling Vervoer, 1999, XIV + 45 p., 9 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro Vervoer 1999-18 / 99/NV/161 - ISBN 90-6743-614-3

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