Onveiligheid van brom- en snorfietsers in Zeeland : ongevallencijfers, mogelijkheden voor gerichte maatregelen en opzet van meetprogramma's voor rijsnelheid en helmgebruik. In opdracht van Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Zeeland ROVZ.

Schoon, C.C.

In this report, the extent of safety of moped and low-speed moped riders (In Dutch: "snorfietsers") in the province of Zeeland and relevant measures are studied. First of all, the Zeeland accident data was analysed to establish the extent and development of safety of mopeds and light-speed mopeds. National data were included to be able to make a comparison with the rest of the country. With 19% of the national total, and compared to the other eleven provinces, Zeeland has the highest share of moped and light-speed moped rider in-patients. Since 1991, there has been an increasing number of such victims. The study further divided the victims by region within the province, and analysed them by age group and injury severity. The report considers a number of (planned) national measures for improving moped and light-speed moped riders' safety. The report concentrates on the description of a number of specific activities aimed at older moped or light-speed moped riders, speeds of mopeds and light-speed mopeds, and the extent to which crash helmets are used (properly). Speeds and (correct) helmet use are covered in relation to the increased police surveillance. Two measuring programmes to obtain a representative picture of speeds and crash helmet use in Zeeland, are outlined.


C 14897 [electronic version only] /81 /83 /84 /73 / IRRD E201728

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1999, 32 p., 13 ref.; R-99-36


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