Op zoek naar oorzaken van ongevallen : lessen uit diverse veiligheidsdisciplines : inventarisatie en beoordeling van onderzoeksmethoden gericht op menselijke fouten.

Davidse, R.J.

Research into the relationship between traffic behaviour and accidents depends on the availability of sufficient and valid information about behaviour prior to accidents. Empirical information is, however, difficult to obtain. Looking for the most suitable research method(s) to examine the above-mentioned relationship remains, therefore, a very important part of road safety research. The present study aims to make a contribution. This report provides an overview of methods and approaches that can be used to obtain a better insight into behaviour-related road accident causes. Therefore, studies both inside and outside road safety research were examined. The research areas examined were industrial safety, aviation safety, shipping safety, and road safety. This


C 28865 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E206764

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2003, 177 p., 155 ref.; R-2003-19


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