Open roads all winter.

McDonald, A.

Vaisala TMI has recently launched its IceMan system, which is designed to make winter road maintenance management easier and more efficient. IceMan uses a network of computers, each of which has a specific set of responsibilities. It provides a semi-automated decision aid and monitoring system, consisting of a central relational database for all data related to winter maintenance, and a user interface with a visual representation of parts of the database and a control mechanism to initiate maintenance activities. Its action control module allows the controller to choose the appropriate action and treatment for each salting route, and enters this information into the database. Thus the system can monitor the progress of each action on each route, and alert the controller to any unexpected response. The administrative module can produce various key financial and statistical reports, allowing real-time and after-the-event data to be provided. The vehicle tracking module provides essential feedback, to confirm that the requested action has been done at the requested time. At a higher level, it can target vehicles to apply selective measures to specific stretches of road. IceMan can combine thermal mapping and route optimisation to provide salting routes based on a road network's thermal characteristics.

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C 20790 (In: C 20757) /10 /62 /73 / IRRD 890324

In: Traffic technology international '97, p. 297-300

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