The operation and safety of mobility devices in public transit services.

Guthrie, B.M. Lewis, D.L. Smith, D.G. & Sorbara, B.J.

This paper addresses operational and safety issues in transporting mobility devices (e.g. wheelchairs, scooters, etc.) for people with disabilities. The objective of the research described in the paper is to provide a factual basis to assess the risk involved in the boarding and carriage of various mobility devices on specialized transit vehicles. A questionnaire was sent to 61 managers of transit services for people with disabilities in Ontario. Of the 38 responses, approximately half provided accident/incident data. The results indicate that accident rate for all mobility devices is about 3 accidents per 100,000 trips. Scooters, and electric vehicles are the most accident prone, with 8-10 accidents per 100,000 trips. Wheelchairs are involved in about 4-5 accidents per 100,000 trips. Only two of the accidents reported were serious. Virtually no accidents occur while the bus is in motion; most involve the use of lifts and almost all are caused by user error. Some guidelines for bus operators are provided, including better training for lift operators, the promotion of ramp use rather than lifts, and the provision of adequate assistance to disabled passengers.

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C 1442 (In: C 1359 [electronic version only]) /72 /80 / IRRD 856252

In: Comotred 92 : mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons : proceedings of the 6th international conference, May 31st - June 3rd 1992, Eurexpo, Lyon, France, Volume 1, 1992, p. 665-670

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