Operational benefits of queue detection for protected-permissive left-turn phasing.

Mitchell, D.E. Rahimuddin, S.

The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) has used queue detectors for the purpose of detecting vehicles at signalized intersections with protected-permissive left turn phasing since 1990. The queue detector was selected as the primary detection method for this operation because it provides the flexibility of operating the left turn phase only when there is a predetermined number of vehicles queued to turn. This paper quantifies the operational benefits associated with utilizing queue detection versus traditional limit line detection for protected permissive left turn phasing. It describes in detail the methodologies used in collecting and analyzing data about the performance of left turn queue detectors, and presents the benefits experienced at signalized intersections in the City of Los Angeles, as well as the expected benefits when implementing queue detection at new locations.

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C 38289 (In: C 38204 CD-ROM) /72 /73 / ITRD E833728

In: Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 2003 annual meeting and exhibit compendium of technical papers, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 24-27, 2003, 20 p.

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