Opstap naar de mobiliteitstoets : ruimtelijke ordening in relatie tot verkeersveiligheid : eindrapport. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Beek, P. van & Schreuders, M.

This report describes the results of a study into the relationship between road safety and spatial planning. The study included the following: a literature study; and a practical study in the form of in-depth interviews held with various experts whereby the following four locations in the Netherlands were investigated: Houten, Zutphen Leesten-West, Maastricht Céramique, and Almere. As far as road safety within spatial planning is concerned, the results of the study show that knowledge is no longer a problem. However, this is contrary to embedding road safety into the process of spatial planning.

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C 23538 [electronic version only]

Deventer, Goudappel Coffeng, 2002, 85 p. + bijl., 114 ref.; AVV357/Sdm/7101

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