Optimal control of urban traffic controls by means of band transformation.

Chien, E.S.K. & Shen, D.W.C.

In general, the objective of urban traffic control is to synchronize traffic signal for the minimization of either total delay or total number of stops or their weighted combination. In this paper, an adaptive optimization procedure for traffic signal systems via multiband modeling is proposed. The urban traffic behaviour at an intersection is described in terms of oversaturated, saturated and free-flowing bands.

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B 12923 (In: B 12860) /73/ IRRD 234624

In: Control in transportation systems : proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP/ IFORS 3rd International Symposium, Columbus, August 9-13, 1976, p. 153-162, 3 fig., 3 graph., 2 tab., 18 ref.

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