Optimal spacings for a rectangular grid transportation network. I.

Fawaz, M.Y. & Newell, G.F.

An idealized rectangular grid transportation network is considered for serving a uniformly developed urban area in which trip origin-destination characteristics are translationally symmetric. The object is to choose the spacing between different types of road so as to minimize the sum of travel and construction costs, subject to the hypothesis that travelers choose routes of minimum travel costs. It is shown that rectangular grid systems are superior to square grids.

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5 + 2 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 11137 T /71/72/ IRRD 220247

Transportation Research, Vol. 10 (1976), No. 2 (April), p. 111-119, 2 fig. 3 graph., 7 ref.

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