Optimised Technical Safety Measures for Road Constructions.

Marks, T. Kocher, B. & Burger, M.

Using alternative materials such as industrial by-products, ash from the incineration of domestic waste or recycled building materials requires environmental aspects to be checked. The materials may contain pollutants which might be leached by percolating water. To avoid contamination of soil and groundwater, they have to be tested. The results of the tests enable the selection of alternative materials in road construction in applications with or without technical safety measures (TSM). TSM aim to prevent the leaching of the pollutants. By example, the sealing of waste sites is a widespread practice. Due to different requirements, the TSM have to be adaptedto road construction. To reach this aim and to determine economically andenvironmentally optimised TSM for road constructions, the Federal HighwayResearch Institute (BASt) launched a study. In indoor and outdoor experiments with a lysimeter, parts of embankments will be constructed. Differentkinds of TSM will be realised and tested with regard to the amount of percolating water and the leached pollutants. Until now a first prototype of that special kind of lysimeter has been constructed and first tests have been done. When the prototype passes all our tests, the testing of the different TSM under indoor and outdoor conditions will follow. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 49050 (In: C 48739 DVD) /15 /30 /52 / ITRD E139808

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 8 p., 16 ref.

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