Optimization of tack coat for HMA placement.

Mohammad, L.N. Elseifi, M.A. Bae, A. Patel, N. Button, J. & Scherocman, J.A.

This report presents proposed test methods for measuring the quality and performance characteristics of tack coat in the laboratory and the field, and includes a training manual presenting proposed construction and testing procedures for tack coat materials. Links to appendixes B and D to NCHRP Report 712 are available in electronic format: Appendix B: ATacker™ displacement rate verification experiment at http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_712Appendixes.pdf ; Appendix D: Comparison of the LISST Device and the Simple Shear Tester (SST) at http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_712Appendixes.pdf (Author/publisher)


20120892 ST S [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 2012, 83 p. + app., 43 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP Report ; 712 - NCHRP Project 09-40 - ISSN 0077-5614 / ISBN 978-0-309-21397-4

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