Optimizing state patrol manpower allocation.

Lee, S.M. Sharp Franz, L. & Wynne, A.J.

One of the most difficult tasks of state highway patrol administrators is allocation of manpower; i.e. determining the most effective level of operational manpower for patrol tasks. Typically, administrators resolve the allocation problem by relying on prior statistical data and by employing subjective analysis. In general, only limited systematic analyses have been applied to the problem. This paper presents an integer goal programming model for allocating highway patrolmen to road segments within a patrol region. The model is demonstrated via a case example of the Nebraska State Patrol. The results of the model are valuable to the patrol administrator for considering departmental goals and priority structure, in addition to available historical data, in the assignment of state patrol manpower. (Author/publisher)

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1 + 10 =
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20080274 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 30 (1979), No. 10, (October), p. 885-896, 24 ref.

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