Optimum offset. I: Determination of the optimum offset between two adjacent road junctions using a hill-climbing technique.

Al-Khalili, A.J. & MacLeod, C.J.

The delays and stops incurred on the priority arm between two successive junctions in an urban traffic network are combined in a mathematical relationship. Using a hill-climbing approach, an optimum offset is derived in terms of the parameters of the system which minimizes delay, stops or a weighted combination of the two. The effect of using different predictive models of the interconnecting road on the determination of the optimum offset is investigated.

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4 + 1 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 11144 T /71 / IRRD 217338

Transportation Research. 1975 /12. 9(6) Pp347-53 (10 Figs.; 11 Refs.)

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