Organization of first-aid in Belgium.

Hoffmann, G.R.

To describe the functioning of the first aid in Belgium. The medical assistance to sick and injured people consists of four phases: the telephone call, the first aid on the accident spot, the transport and the admission to a hospital.

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6 + 11 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 629 (In: B 625 fo) /84 / IRRD 205004

In: Proceedings of the VIIth congress of the International Union of Associations of Doctor-Motorists (IUADM) on traffic medicine, held in Amsterdam, 20-23 May 1970; Arts en Auto, Vol. 36 (1970), No. 19 (10 oktober), p. 1500-1501

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