Ouderen en ITS : samen sterk(er)? : literatuurstudie naar de toegevoegde waarde van intelligente transportsystemen voor de veiligheid van de oudere automobilist.

Davidse, R.J.

Each year, ever more Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) come onto the market. Many of these have been designed as comfort systems, and some aim at improving road safety. The starting point of this report is that ITS applications can only increase road safety if they support the relatively weaknesses of the driver. They should not take over those tasks he is actually quite good at. In order to identify those driving tasks for which support is most desirable (from a road safety point of view), various theoretical perspectives are studied in this report. Based on an analysis of theories from the human factors approach, cognitive psychology, and games theory, the strengths and weaknesses of the human are described, with an emphasis on the older driver.


C 28289 [electronic version only] /83 /91 /72 / ITRD E206781

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2004, 79 p., 119 ref.; R-2003-30


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