Outcome-based appraisal of travel demand management : robustness and pattern recognition.

Ker, I.

Transport strategies have changed direction very substantially in the past decade or so, but evaluation methodology has not kept up, often because the linkages between new initiatives and outcomes are not well-enough defined or quantified. This paper describes the process and outcomes of assessing a wide range of potential actions proposed for possible inclusion in an action plan for travel demand management (TDM) for Victoria. It is not a conventional benefit-cost or multi-criteria analysis. The disparity of actions and levels of application, not to mention the highly variable state of knowledge with respect to aspects of travel demand management, required the development of a more appropriate appraisal methodology. This paper describes the approach taken to developing simple yet robust decision-support information from a range of qualitative and quantitative resources. It does not present the detail of actions assessed as these are currently under consideration by the Victorian Government. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210413.

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C 29032 (In: C 28997 CD-ROM) /72 /10 / ITRD E210375

In: ATRF03 : [proceedings of the] 26th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF) : leading transport research in the 21st century, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-3 October 2003, 15 p.

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