The outdoor environment.

The Illuminating Engineering Society IES

This Guide is concerned with lighting, principally for the benefit of pedestrians, in the outdoor environment at night. It has been prepared to assist all who take or influence decisions that affect the safety, security and pleasantness of urban and rural district. Part 1 discusses the objectives of environmental lighting, the elements of design, lighting techniques, the main characteristics of lamps, luminaires and other equipment used in outdoor lighting systems, and the economics of installations. More detailed information on equipment and methods of design is given in two appendices to the Guide. Part 2 gives recommendations for lighting the following areas of town and city centres, urban residential districts, and rural districts: Town and city centres: circulation areas of open and covered (or partly covered) shopping precincts, traffic-free streets and arcades; railway station concourses. bus and air terminals, and public car parks; town squares and gardens. Urban residential districts: old housing areas; suburban shopping areas, community building exteriors and precincts; domestic gardens; high- and medium-rise dwelling complexes. Rural districts: the central areas of hamlets, villages and small country towns; country houses of tourist interest; hotels, motels and clubs in the countryside. Part 3 deals with the lighting of the following specific features within these types of environment: historic buildings and buildings of contemporary design; ancient monuments; bridges; statues and sculptures; clocks and flags; public parks, gardens and pleasure gardens; open-air restaurants and bandstands; fountains and other water features and, briefly, son et Iumière presentations. Road lighting, airport lighting, and lighting for building sites, outdoor industrial areas, outdoor sports, and traffic and advertising signs are not included as these subjects are dealt with fully in other publications listed in the Bibliography of this Guide.

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830947 ST [electronic version only]

London, The Illuminating Engineering Society IES, 1975, 71 p., 22 ref.; IES Lichting Guide ; Publication No. 6

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