OV-vriendelijke infrastructuur.

Goudappel Coffeng [tekst]

In the process of setting up and implementing the classification system, the role that public transport plays in the road network has generated a growing amount of discussion. The government however, has set itself aims of restricting the growth of automobile traffic and making public transport more cost-effective. The problem with both these aims is that a smooth flow of traffic is not compatible with reductions to the speed limit. Finding a solution will require putting a different emphasis on the way in which public transport is to be dealt with in the different planning phases. There are a number of approaches that can be taken to explore ways of resolving this dilemma. These are briefly discussed.

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C 14876 S /72 / IRRD E201226

Ede, C.R.O.W kenniscentrum voor verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur, 1999, 80 p., 9 ref.; Publikatie ; No. 141 - ISBN 90-6628-307-6

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