An overview of the EDSMAC4 collision simulation model.

Day, T.D.

This paper describes the EDSMAC4 model with particular attention to the extensions to the original algorithms. The paper also provides a validation of the new model by direct comparison to staged collision experiments and the results from the previous EDSMAC model. Extensions found in the new algorithm include the ability to simulate articulated vehicle collisions, simultaneous collisions between any number of vehicles (the original was limited to two vehicles), the adoption of a more realistic force-deflection model using A and B stiffnesses (as opposed to a single Kv stiffness that assumes the force-deflection curve goes through the origin), the ability to simulate vehicles with tandem axles and dual tires, and vehicle longitudinal and lateral load transfers. The validation study found differences in the results when compared to the previous EDSMAC program. New EDSMAC4 data sets were produced that reflect the changes to the model.

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C 14056 (In: C 14045 [electronic version only]) /80 /91 / IRRD E201466

In: Accident reconstruction : technology and animation IX : papers presented at the 1999 SAE International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1-4, 1999, SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0102, p. 213-232, 20 ref.

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