Overview of resulting tools, guidelines, and instruments. IN-SAFETY Workpackage 3: New models, tools and guidelines for road safety assessment, Deliverable 3.4.

Dijkstra, A. Bald, S. Benz, T. & Gaitanidou, E. (eds.)

Road safety will most probably be influenced by introducing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS). The effects of these systems on road safety can be assessed in different ways. This document gives a short overview of methodologies which allow for assessing road safety effects (Chapter 2), This Deliverable gives an overview of the outcome of work package 3 of IN-SAFETY. Two methodologies have basically been applied: • simulation model • risk analysis method. Chapter 3 gives a description of the models and methods, Chapter 4 shows examples of applications of these models and methods. (Author/publisher).


20091342 ST [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 2008, 35 p., 24 ref.; TREN Contract 506716


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