A parametric study of the energy demands of car transportation: a case study of two competing commuter routes in the UK.

Burgess, S.C. & Choi, J.M.J.

This paper presents a parametric study of the energy demands of car transportation on two competing inter-city commuter routes in the UK for all main categories of automotive vehicles. The commuter routes are between Bristol and Bath: one is fast and flat, the other is relatively hilly and with tighter speed restrictions. Energy demands were found to be closely related to the vehicle mass because almost all external forces on the car are either directly or indirectly influenced by the mass of the vehicle. Exposure to the wind was found to be an important parameter that can significantly affect fuel consumption. Reducing vehicle mass is an important way of improving the performance of the car. However, there are limits to what can be achieved in weight reduction because of safety requirements and the desire of car owners to have many luxury items in modern cars. The official European fuel consumption and emissions test is limited in the extent to which it measures parameters that affect fuel consumption. For example, the test does not measure the frontal area or drag coefficient of the car. The design of the route and traffic operation can have a very significant influence on the efficiency of car transportation and therefore it is necessary to consider route design in whole-life analysis. (Author/publisher).

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I E116585 /15 /72 / ITRD E116585

Transportation Research Part D. 2003 /01. 8d(1) Pp21-36 (21 Refs.)

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