The parcelcall security concept : security concepts for intelligent tracing solutions.

Pils, C. & Wallbaum, M.

The paper discusses the security issues in the context of an open, multimodal, end-to-end tracking and tracing system. A brief overview of the system architecture is followed by an analysis of potential security threats to the system. These threats are countered by a security concept involving a two-stage authentication process and an advanced access control scheme. Conventional access control schemes either provide access to accurate information or restrict access completely. This is not appropriate for a tracking and tracing system and thus a scheme based on changing the accuracy of information is presented.

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C 33470 (In: C 26095 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E829908

In: ITS - Transforming the future : proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 8 p.

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