Parkeermanagement in de vervoerregio Utrecht.

Jong, M.A. de & Rooden, J.H.M. van

The traffic and transportation policy of the national administration aims to regulate the use of private cars. Parking regulation is an essential part of such a policy. The introduction of parking regulation has to take place on a local and a regional scale. As a first phase of such a policy in the transport region of Utrecht a study has been made for the town centre of Utrecht. The town centre of Utrecht is characterized by a multitude of functions, each with its own specific parking demand. The current parking supply is not evenly spread within the town centre. These circumstances complicate an adequate parking regulation. The introduction of parking regulation will have important organizational and financial consequences for the local administration. An integral approach is necessary to regard the cohesion of the different aspects of the regulation. After phase 1 other parts of the transport region of Utrecht will be subject of following studies.

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C 953 (In: C 917 [electronic version only]) /72 /73 / IRRD 856954

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1992 : innovatie in verkeer en vervoer, Rotterdam, 26-27 november 1992, p. 681-699

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