Parkeren en verkeersveiligheid : analyse landelijke ongevalsgegevens. Onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directie Verkeersveiligheid.


In the survey on parking and traffic safety in the netherlands (see IRRD 805473) an analysis was made of the national accident data of 1983. After a description of the method of working used, the following general aspects are described in more detail; (1) the province in which the parking accident has happened (2) the degree of urbanisation, (3) the weather circumstances and the lighting conditions (4) the month, day and hour (5) the use of alcohol and (6) the age. Thereafter problem situations for cars, mopeds and bicycles are discussed. One of the conclusions is that the number of victims per 100 parking accidents for the combination fog-daylight is significantly high. Another shown effect is the high percentage of accidents (53 percent) in which it was not known whether alcohol was used. This is mainly due to the fact that hit and run drivers are expected to have used alcohol. Also significant is the severity of the accident in the different age categories. After a peak between 25 and 35 the severity decreases, but increases again after 60 - 65. For moped riders and cyclists there is little indication of a decrease in severity. For the other reports of the survey see B 25814, B 25816 and B 25817.

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B 25815 [electronic version only] /82 /83 / IRRD 805474

's-Gravenhage, Adviesbureau van Roon, 1986, 143 p., 15 ref.

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