Parking capacity requirements for relocated airports : the new Athens international airport.

Psaraki, V. Stathopoulos, A. & Abakoumkin, C.

The development of a parking plan for a relocated airport requires detailed documentation of parking demand forecasts, capacity assessment, revenues, and capital expenditures. These tasks are heavily dependent on characteristics of the access trip to the airport. Parking capacity requirements are estimated via passenger classification and discrete choice modelling at the existing airport. Both are conducted via passenger and parking survey studies specifically designed for this purpose. The resulting models are then used to forecast the short-term and long-term parking supply for the relocated airport by proper adjustment of the attribute values. The method is applied to the new Athens International Airport.

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C 27350 (In: C 27347 S [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E820168

In: Aviation : airport and air traffic economic and operational issues, Transportation Research Record TRR 1788, p. 19-25, 18 ref.

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