Partitioning of chi-square, analysis of marginal contingency tables, and estimation of expected frequencies in multidimensional contingency tables.

Goodman, L.A.

A step-by-step method is presented herein for partitioning a certain kind of hypothesis H about the m-way contingency table into (a) a series of hypotheses about marginal tables formed from the m-way table by ignoring one or more of table's m dimensions; and (b) a hypothesis about independence, conditional indenpendence, or conditional equiprobability in the m-way table. This step-by-step method facilitates both the testing of H and the calculation of F, the estimated expected frequencies in the m-way under H. The method introduced herein for calculating F is easier to apply than the usual iterative-scaling method in many cases.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


950712 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of the American Statistical Association; Theory and Methods, Vol. 66 (1971), No. 334 (June), p. 339-344, 12 ref.

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