Passenger cars, vans, pickups, and utility vehicles : 1989 models during their first year; 1988 models during their first two years; 1987 models during their first three years.

Highway Loss Data Institute HLDI

This Highway Loss Data Institute report describes variations in both the frequency and size of insurance theft losses involving 1987, 1988, and 1989 model year passenger cars, vans, pickups, and utility vehicles. Data are given for frequency of loss, average size of loss, and average loss payments per insured vehicle. The results include the complete spectrum of theft losses occurring under comprehensive coverage ranging from the theft of items from the vehicle to the theft of the vehicle itself. A complete list of the individual vehicle series included in this report is contained in Appendix A and definitions are provided in Appendix B. (A)

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Arlington, VA., Highway Loss Data Institute HLDI, 1990, 49 p.; Insurance Theft Report ; No. T-89-1

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