Pavement design: the new guides.

Metcalf, J.B. & Potter, D.W.

The paper briefly describes the new pavement design procedures developed at the national association of australian state road authorities (naasra) and by the australian road research board (arrb) for local government. After a short statement of the history of pavement design, the naasra procedure is outlined and examples of the design charts given. This procedure relies on a linear elastic stress/ strain analysis allied to many years of experience of acceptable pavement configurations. The arrb local government procedure is described and the design chart for urban streets is given. This design relies on the statistical analysis of performance data mainly gathered from existing streets. The differences and similarities of the two new guides are then discussed. The paper concludes by emphasising the need to develop improved testing procedures and to record the performance of pavements to enable design procedures to be further refined. (Author/publisher) For the covering record of the symposium, see IRRD No 808826.

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C 33633 (In: C 33628 MF) [electronic version only] /22 / IRRD 808831

In: 26th ARRB regional symposium, Bunbury, Western Australia, 1988 : program and papers, p. 67-78, 15 ref.

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