Pavement Management System PMS for road fund administration of Czech Republic.

Lehovec, F.

When applying total transport costs analysis methods to determine appropriate rehabilitation treatments for a network suffering from a maintenance backlog, an important input to the analysis is the maintenance standards that will be applied in the future after rehabilitation. This study applied the DTIMS pavement management system (PMS) to determine the 20 year agency and vehicle operating costs for a matrix of 28 maintenance policies applied to an analysis network of 45 representative sections defined by traffic range and initial pavement condition. For each traffic range and maintenance policy the annual average costs and benefits were derived and, by means of efficiency envelopes and incremental benefit/cost methods, a series of sub-optimal network level policies identified. Annual periodic maintenance budgets for the network, derived in this way, ranged from the optimum level to 25 percent of the optimum. Thus, for a given long term annual budget the best policy for each traffic range could be defined. (A)

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C 5412 (In: C 5396) /10 /61 / IRRD 863194

In: Proceedings of the 1994 International Road Federation IRF Conference and Exposition "Roads to the 21st century : a key to competitiveness", Calgary, Alberta, July 3-7, 1994, Volume 3, p. E29-E48, 2 ref.

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