Pavement monitoring and information system.

Caroff, G. & Leycure, P.

The Roads Department and the Motorway Companies have joined together to design and develop a new roadway evaluation machine for monitoring the condition of the road network. This machine, SIRANO (Systeme d'Inspection des Routes par analyses Numeriques et Optiques (Road and Motorway Inspection by Digital and Optical analysis), manufactured by LCPC, is a multifunction machine designed to simultaneously record a number of road surface condition indicators in a single run along a traffic lane at 72 km/hour. The machine is jointly operated by LCPC and SAMRA (Company for multifunctional monitoring of road networks). At the section level, more detailed surveys are carried out to appreciate the structural condition of the pavement: coring, deflection, tensile strength. To provide the road managers with an effective tool, the information system has to include data about the infrastructure involved and its use. Pavement maintenance systems (PMS) must provide both a historical record of their construction and maintenance, and details of their current condition. The ARGUS database has been developed for this purpose. (A) The German title of this article is: Überwachungs-und Informationstechnik fuer die Strassendecken.

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C 5231 (In: C 5225 a) /10 /22 /61 / IRRD 865174

In: Roads help to integrate : proceedings of the East-West European Road Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24 September 1993, Volume 1, p. 54-57, 3 ref.

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