PCC pavements for low-volume roads and city streets. Prepared for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO.


In an effort to provide information that may be utilized in decision-making by interested individuals (highway officials, design and construction engineers and others), detailed information is offered on planning, designing and constructing portland cement concrete pavements for light traffic conditions. The accumulated experience of 20 years of highway agencies in several states and cities was utilized in developing this report. The data indicate that PCC pavement has a good probability of maintaining extremely low maintenance costs and a satisfactory level of service over a long period. The planning of the paving project is detailed and the importance is emphasized of a realiable forecast of traffic that will use the road over its projected service life. Subgrade conditions, exposure elements affecting performance, materials availability, and utilities in the pavement area are considered as well as equipment and construction expertise, pavement design life, costs, serviceability, performance, project size and funding. The physical characteristics required for acceptable performance of any pavement are listed, and aspects such as data development for design, geometric design and control of other design features are considered. Mixture proportions and thickness design are also discussed. Plans to handle local traffic during construction are important. Observations are made regarding subgrade preparation, materials handling, placing, vibrating and finishing. Various aspects of surface maintenance are discussed, as well as deicing chemicals, drainage and enforcement of load limits. A check list is provided as an aid to determine if the use of concrete pavement can offer the best long-range solution. Suggestions are made for reducing costs and upgrading quality. Research needs are identified.

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B 18335 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB, 1975, 45 p., 22 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP, Synthesis of Highway Practice ; Report 27 - ISBN 0-309-02309-2

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