Pedal use and foot positioning during emergency braking.

Palmertz, C. Jakobsson, L. & Karlsson, A.-S.

Foot and ankle injuries have a high occurrence rate in car crashes. To more fully understand the injury mechanism behind these injuries, it is important to know where the feet are placed during both normal driving and braking. In this study, a driving simulator with a Volvo 850 mock-up was used to present the test subject with situations that required emergency braking. The mock-up was equipped with a pedal rack and a manual gearbox. Thirty-five subjects participated in the study, and two different braking situations were studied: controlled braking and emergency braking. Subjects were selected from both genders and varied with regard to age, stature and shoe size. (A)

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C 16558 (In: C 16548) /83 / ITRD E203735

In: Proceedings of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden, September 16-18, 1998, p. 135-146, 17 ref.

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