Pedestrian behaviour in a heterogeneous society.

Odendaal, J.R. & Nel, P.W.

Pedestrians constitute 45% of all road fatalities in South Africa. Particulars about the composition, background and socio- economic structure of the population are given. It is concluded that, in devising effective pedestrian accident countermeasures in a heterogeneous society, special cognisance should be taken of the needs of the different sections of the population. Education, engineering and enforcement are considered to be the essential components of countermeasures.

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B 12313 (In: B 11265) /72/83/ IRRD 229752

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pedestrian Safety, Haifa, December 20-23, 1976, p. 2E1-2E7, 3 tab., 10 ref.

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